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2两者所代表的情绪不同panic指突然产生的强烈的害怕或紧张之感,使人无法理智地思考和行动而fear则指对危险令人害怕的事物可能发生的坏事等产生的畏惧情绪例句He got into a panic when he realised that he;adj为贫穷所困恼的,非常贫穷的 鞫 穷乏 窘迫以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1Daughters are often seen as an economic burden in this povertystricken country家庭中的女儿在这个受贫困打击的国家常常被视作经济负担。

povertystricken 英#712p#596v#601ti#716str#618k#601n美#712pɑv#601ti#716str#618k#601nadj窘迫 为贫穷所困恼的,非常贫穷的 鞫 穷乏双语例句 1 Sonya;2snowcovered,由“名词snow”+“动词cover的过去式和过去分词”组成释义adj被雪覆盖的 例句The sun reflected off the snowcovered mountains 翻译冰雪覆盖的山峰反射着阳光3povertystricken,由“名词。

strike的过去式struck,过去分词struckstricken英stra#618k美stra#618kn罢工打击殴打v打撞罢工划燃例句He offered to strike the boy with his cane翻译他威胁要用手杖打那个男孩;一详细释义 , adj , 恐慌的,惊慌失措的 , 例句 ,The panicstricken crowd rushed to the exit when the theater caught fire,当戏院着火时,惊慌失措的羣众冲向门口, 例句 ,Panic buying has been。

例句 1 In one village almost the entire population was stricken with a plague在一个村庄里,几乎全部的居民都遭受到疫病的袭击例句 2 Magnetic current stimulated by strain waves in stricken bar 撞击杆中应变;例句After being in the rain, Tom came down with a bad cold在外淋雨后,汤姆患重感冒病倒了17 be stricken down with be stricken with 意为“为疾病所侵袭”或“患病”例句She was stri。

in hopes of 造句如下1The big Ivorian with a small threshhold for pain chucked a coin into the Burnley fan section, in hopes of rewarding the povertystricken town with a bit of cash for the trip;stricken5strikEnadj被打中的,遭殃的,患病的受挫折的例句She was stricken in years when I met her我见她时,她已年老体衰搭配povertystricken贫穷不堪的strickenbywith sth经受或不堪。


ill,或sick,be stricken down with be stricken with意为“为疾病所侵袭”或“患病”例句She was stricken with fever yesterday 她昨天发烧了患病的+withHe is sick with influenza;strike twelve显出全副本领获得最大成就43 strike while the iron is hot谚语趁热打铁变形vtstruck 或 strookstruck 或 strickenstriking 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起。

例句Panicstricken travellers fled for the borders惊慌失措的旅行者逃往边境时态 struck,struck,stricken,striking,strikes;过去分词 stricken 例句A thought struck her Was she jealous of her mother, then?她猛地冒出一个念头那么难道她在嫉妒母亲吗。

povertystricken 英#712p#596v#601ti#716str#618k#601n美#712pɑv#601ti#716str#618k#601nadj为贫穷所困恼的,非常贫穷的 鞫 穷乏 窘迫例句1Robert was;同于 horrified, horrorstruck = 感到恐怖非常害怕 吓坏 是 appalled,shocked, trembling with fear 的意思。

例句STUDY the mechanics of each blow , strike and kick译文研究每一种打击和踢击的技术细节2stroke通常用于表示划动的动作例句I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea译文我转过身。




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